
zbo2024 未分类评论11阅读模式






 !!正式面试一定要大家记得把名字改成拼音,(比如 zhang san),进入面试之前调节好麦克风和摄像头。按照去年的经验,面试是单独被允许进入,请大家耐心等待。部分热门专业可能等待的时间较长。 (需要一定等待)



Universities use the voovmeeting platform to conduct interviews. During the interview, you should change your name to Pinyin (for example, Li Ming).

Students who are interviewed at the Belarusian State University must present their identity card or passport before the start of the interview.

The interview lasts from 2 to 5 minutes, so you should carefully prepare the answers to the questions and practice your pronunciation well. During the interview, more than 70% of the questions from the list provided by our company are necessary.


The difference between a real interview and a training interview is that you won't be able to see how other students are being interviewed. During a real interview, you should wait in a virtual waiting room and wait for the professor to connect to you directly. The waiting time may be 1 hour or more.


The interviewer wants to check whether you can speak English or Russian, as well as check the minimum level of your knowledge in your chosen specialty.


Tips for a successful interview :

In order to reduce the number of questions from the  professor, try to answer the first questions in more detail. For example, if you are asked about your university major, you should also introduce your university. If you are asked your age, it is not enough to just give a number (For example, I am 24 years old, I have not had any work experience yet. I am 24 years old, I graduated from university a year ago and have been working for the company for a year now).If the professor asked about your hometown, you can also add information about its location, population, and attractions and etc.


No matter which university you are being interviewed at, you will basically be asked the following questions:


  1. Self introduction
  2. Bachelor's Degree (undergraduate) information ( Name of the university, name of your major)
  3. Brief information about your hometown
  4. Question about your future plans
  5. Why did you choose Belarus? Why did you choose our univeristy?
  6. Question about your favourite movie, book or your hobby.


Questions of the BSU Faculty of Law

*According to the memories of previous students, there are three teachers in the interview. After joining, show your passport or ID card first

  1. Introduce yourself
  2. Do you have any good friends? Introduce your friends.
  3. . Why did you choose this major?
  4. . Do you have any work experience  in the legal field?
  5. Do you have any experience studying law?
  6. Where are you now? Can you tell me what's in the room?
  7. Have you ever participated in any academic research at the university?What results have you achieved?
  8. Which city are you in? Where is it located?
  9. Introduce your favorite books?
  10. Introduce your favorite movie?
  11. Why do you want to get in Master’s Degree program?What do you want to learn?
  12. Introduce your hometown

The above are some questions for students' reference

I wish the students who are interviewed today and the students who are about to be interviewed will pass smoothly!


Department of Economics, interview content:

Introduce yourself

  1. Which city do you live in?
  2. Where did you study for your undergraduate degree and what major did you study?
  3. Why did you choose this major? Why did you come to Belarus for postgraduate studies?
  4. Tell me about your hobbies?
  5. What topic or direction do you want to study?
  6. What is economics?
  7. What is money?
  8. What is international trade?


Department of Applied Mathematics, Belarusian State University, interview content:

  1. Simply introduce yourself, which city do you live in?
  2. Where did you study for your undergraduate degree and what major did you study?
  3. Why did you choose this major for postgraduate study?Why did you come to Belarus for postgraduate studies?
  4. What hobbies do you have?
  5. What topic or direction do you want to study?
  6. What is applied mathematics?
  7. What is computer science?


Interview content for art:

  1. A brief self-introduction, where you live.
  2. Where did you study for your undergraduate degree, and what major did you study?
  3. Why did you choose this major as a graduate student? Why did you come to Belarus to study for a master's degree?
  4. What are your hobbies?
  5. What topics or directions do you want to study?
  6. Definition of the chosen major: What is art, what artistic creations have you made, which artists and artworks do you like. You can show your own artworks. Whois your favorite designer (painter), why do you like him? Anything else?

What design software do you use? For example, photoshop and some others. What is your definition of beauty? Or what do you think is aesthetics?

Communication interview content:

  1. A brief self-introduction, where you live.
  2. Where did you study for your undergraduate degree, and what major did you study?
  3. Why did you choose this major as a graduate student? Why did you come to Belarus to study for a master's degree?
  4. What are your hobbies?
  5. What topics or directions do you want to study?
  6. Definition of the chosen major: As an alternative question, it is best to prepare the definition of the chosen major and communication studies.
  7. Definition of the media, the significance of the existence of the media. What do you know about news.


Contents of the interview for the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts:

  1. A brief self-introduction, where you live.
  2. Where did you study for your undergraduate degree, and what major did you study?
  3. Why did you choose this major as a graduate student? Why did you come to Belarus to study for a master's degree?
  4. What are your hobbies?
  5. What topics or directions do you want to study?
  6. Definition of the chosen major: Cultural Studies (Cultural Industries). You need to prepare a definition of cultural studies, what is cultural studies. What kind of cultural industries does China have, or an introduction to the cultural industries in your hometown. The significance of culture to our self-identity, etc.


Interview content for international relations major:

  1. Brief self-introduction, where you live.
  2. Where did you study for your undergraduate degree, and what major did you study?
  3. Why did you choose this major as a graduate student? Why did you come to Belarus to study for a master's degree?
  4. What are your hobbies?
  5. What topics or directions do you want to study?
  6. What is international relations?
  7. What is nationalism? What are human rights?
  8. What is realism? What is liberalism?
  9. What international organizations do you know?


History interview content:

  1. A brief self-introduction, where you live.
  2. Where did you study for your undergraduate degree, and what was your major?
  3. Why did you choose this major as a graduate student? Why did you come to Belarus to study for a master's degree?
  4. What are your hobbies?
  5. What topics or directions do you want to study?
  6. Definition of the chosen major: As an alternative question, it is best to prepare the chosen major, the definition of history, and what is history?
  7. The significance of studying history, and the significance of history to the nation?
  8. Which historical event are you most obsessed with and why?


Interview content of the School of Ecology:

  1. Brief self-introduction, where do you live.
  2. Where did you study for your undergraduate degree, and what major did you study?
  3. Why did you choose this major as a graduate student? Why did you come to Belarus to study for a master's degree?
  4. What are your hobbies?
  5. What topics or directions do you want to study?
  6. Definition of the chosen major: What is ecology, what are the current environmental problems in China and the world, and how to solve them.



  • 大部分高校要求:如果是自考或者网络本科学历或专升本学历,毕业证时间显示学习期限不少于4年。
  • 白俄罗斯国立大学:毕业证上没有学习期限不被接受(比如自考学历。要求毕业证显示学习期限是4年或者累计学习超过4年);
  • 白俄罗斯文化艺术大学不接受自考,网络本科学历;白文大携带身份证原件。
  • 非中国学历(除俄罗斯学历外)其他国家的学历需要提前自己做好海牙认证,还需要在白俄教育部做认证(历时最少1个月,请大家提前做好申请准备)。比如蒙古国毕业证,泰国毕业证等。
  • 白俄罗斯国立技术大学自考学历可能需要被要求在白俄教育部做认证,部分可疑学历可能会在学信网抽查。


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: